

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Who Owns The Sources? ~ 5

- The Death Penalty -
(MY opinion)

What gives people the right to end the life of another? After all my research on the subject, I have decided that although it is against my morals to kill another human being, I do believe that the death penalty should be available for extreme circumstances. It should only be used against the cases with mass murderers and serial killers, and those types of extreme circumstances. However, it should not be used in any other case because there can always be mistakes made and all life is precious. Of course, there is always the debate about what cases deserve such punishment, but that is a while different issue. It is my opinion that the death penalty is over used in todays society and many are over using their power to kill. Lots of innocent people suffer the death penalty for crimes they very committed, but hopefully if it is used only for mass murders then this will occur less often. Mass murders and serial killers don't deserve to be rewarded by a life in jail where they are feed and taken care of. It is for them only that this punishment should be used.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sara:
    Fine job on the research here, as you explore the difficulties of the death penalty. With your own opinion, synthesize your view more clearly with those of the actual authors whom you researched; this will give your own writing more credibility.

    Mr. Heller


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